VSCode Snippets for ChatGPT 4

Jun 3, 2023

It seems we’ve forgotten how much AI needs context to produce great results. Lots of people I see using ChatGPT do it with a single line of text.

If we compare it with image generation like stable diffusion, we know that adding more context can make it generate much better images.

Image alt text

In this example, we see that specific chunks of text generate specific-looking images.

We can do the same thing for ChatGPT4 as well.

And in order to do that task easier, I have VSCode snippets that paste that specific chunk of text for me.

The ChatGPT workflow is based on generating and filtering.

By using snippets like these we can reduce the amount of time it takes us to get a good response, and thus use ChatGPT more effectively.

Do you have any feedback/comments? Hit me up at maxiredigonda@gmail.com